World Fantasy Convention, San Antonio

I’ve posted a few things on Facebook, mostly photos and travelogue, about San Antonio. (I’m also participating in the 7 days of B&W challenge, whose antecedents I don’t know but I’m enjoying the opportunity to expand my eye.)

But back to WFC/SA.

Last night was the “Signature Event,” a two hour autographing session for everyone.  I garnered some autographs (esp. David Mitchell, author of CLOUD ATLAS and THE BONE CLOCKS) but mostly I sat and shot the breeze with passersby.  Mary Anne Mohanraj and I talked about The Speculative Literature Foundation, and if you don’t know them, check them out.  No one was interested in my chapbooks, hardly surprising as the state of self-published work has grown in professionalism and my chapbooks are obviously home-grown.  That’s fine 🙂  While wandering I saw lots of great cover art.  Color is in!

The panels are a nice mix of theme and feminism, social liberalism and discussions to understand The Other.  The panelists are heavily weighted towards gender equality and this would be a great place to thank SPIKE in programming for the amazing job of putting all this together.  I’m impressed and relieved that panels have women on them, and POC, and varied opinion.  It’s about time.

Plenty of readings, I believe there are 2 per half hour. I organized and will moderate the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading today, with a one hour slot (at 2pm) for 10 women to read up to 4 minutes or so of story.  Several of my authors have brought giveaway books so we’ll also be raffling those off.

We have to be johnny on the spot time-wise as the Guest of Honor, Tananarive Due, has the room right after us.

Tomorrow includes the banquet (smashed turkey hotel food) and the awards (Kij Johnson! Tina Connolly!) and the general good cheer of a well-run convention.

Then I’m off to my subsequent adventures of my continuing vacation.  And maybe finishing that story.  It could happen.

(things I’ve forgotten to mention:  Tiptree Bake Sale. Clarion West party. Sitting in the green room and chatting with David Mitchell. Other stuff.)


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